Meditation Explained by Peter Russell & Eckart Tolle

Throughout the 9 Greatest Gifts I mention meditation and "sitting in the silence." The fact is I'm writing at 5:50 AM, only a few minutes after I finished my morning meditation.

This morning, after my morning meditation, I went down to my office, sat in front of my computer, and went to Facebook. Only minutes before one of my Facebook friends posted a YouTube video of  Peter Russell explaining his meditation technique to Eckart Tolle. I was not familiar with Peter Russell but I watched the short video and I really liked how he explained meditation and I think you will to. Here's the video:  

In my experience meditation helps me to connect with what I call my "Higher Self", or my Soul.

My entire life is now guided from this source so I now find meditation an indispensible part of my existence.  Of course I'm not alone in this, for thousands of years, spiritual traditions of all types have taught meditation as a way to quiet the busy mind and reconnect with the inner self.

If you are new to meditation you may find your mind so full of thoughts that you have difficulty "quieting" them. This may sound strange but the answer is not in trying harder. Meditation is effortless, just relax, breath and follow the advice Peter gives in the video. Once you stop trying I'm sure you’ll find your mind will settle down very naturally into a state of quiet. Relax, enjoy.

sit and meditate

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