Becoming Who We Really Are

For the past few years I have been hearing a call to become who I really am. This call has been getting stronger and becoming increasingly clear… and it's a bit unsettling.

For most of the last 20 years I have been an expert.

I have seen myself as someone who could solve nearly anyone’s Internet marketing problems. I have been paid many thousands of dollars to speak at hundreds of association meetings and business conferences across the country. In this aspect of my life I have been confident and I have felt as if I was on top of the world.

As I began to become more and more aware of my Higher Self I also began to feel as if some of what I was doing professionally was not fully aligned with what my Higher Self would have me do. For example there were times when I excepted speaking gigs even though I knew I was not the perfect presenter for their event. I was swayed by the large speaking fees (typically between $7,500 & $8,750 for a few hours of presenting). 

Over the past few years I have also become much less comfortable telling the world, or myself for that matter, that I’m an expert. Sure there are a few things I know more about than some others… that's fine… but that's not what I am. I now strive to engage the people I work with as equals and friends. I no longer engage in transactions with clients, I join them where they are as a friend and I share my perspective and experience as I would with my best friend or my brother or sister. 

In my industry, Internet marketing, there has become a group of experts, gurus, and group of perennial students who are continuously told they must learn, learn, learn to one day become ‘experts’ themselves. Because isn’t that the goal?

Here's what I now see. What these gurus, including myself, are teaching isn’t brain science and it does not require endless hours of study. And it doesn't demand an endless panel of experts upon experts telling people how it's done.

Here's what's necessary, and what I now strive to provide; direction and consistency.

My Higher Self knows that just as a good parent provides guidance and direction and teaches by example, a good coach does the same. The goal is not dependence but INDEPENDENCE.

By listening to my Higher Self I know what is really needed and what I can best provide; support and guidance. Those who come to me can best benefit from my experience and the experience I have learned from others… and mostly they benefit from me just being there willing to listen to their concerns and then share from my experience. This is me being true to who I really am.

We all need someone to talk to as we find our way ahead, whether that be in business or in simply living our lives.

I was reminded of this during the past couple of weeks as many people who began working with me as their Internet marketing coach are now joining me as I bring The Greatest Gifts of All project forward.

Ed with Neale Donald Walsch In this project these people want nothing from me – and expect nothing from me, and I need nothing from them. Now, almost magically, we are in a new relationship. I have received emails and phone calls from people sharing their experiences with me and telling me how my experiences have touched their lives and allowed them to see new things, or old things in a new light. This is me living my purpose.

So as I have been developing The Greatest Gifts of All project I have been looking closely at alternatives to the broken training system in the world of Internet marketing. I'm making sure that I don't let habit move me to do something that is familiar but not consistent with my Higher Self.

I don't want to be your expert. I don't want to have a business plan. I don't want customers. I want relationships.

My objective is not to become necessary to you, but to be available to you, by choice.

After many decades of operating from a different paradigm this new way of being is very foreign and yet feels SO right. Occasionally I find myself slipping back to the old models that have always ‘worked’ instead of a embracing this new inspired way of being. And that old model is built on endless repetition, an a reliance on formula. That is simply not who I am now.

Like a good parent I want to share from a place of love, not commerce. I want to foster self reliance, not dependence. I don't want to look for another product to sell, or service to provide, I simply want to bring forth who I am and what I have.

I don’t want to be an expert any more. I can’t, really, because I now I know the information and experience I share doesn’t belong to me, and it certainly doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else.

So I am no longer an expert, I'm just a fellow traveler with around 3,100 weeks worth of experiences. I am happy to sit for a while, exchange thoughts, enjoying a cup of tea.

How about you?

I have created what I'm calling "Let's Talk". This is simply my way of being available to anyone who would like to talk about these Gifts or anything else. See

I have also made everything I offer through The Greatest Gifts of All, including these "Let's Talk" conversations available on a "Pay What You Wish" basis. See

If you're going through inner conflict about your work and your vocation here's what I'm absolutely certain of… There is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing at all.

Your Higher Self will show you the way, again and again. That’s how you find the Faith (Gift 7) you need to believe in yourself, your work, and your path.

I hope we have a chance to talk soon. 





P.S. There is a LIVE Web Meeting this Wednesday, April 24th. Learn to fully receive 9 of Life's Greatest Gifts into your life. These Gifts ladyatcomputersmallincrease happiness, fulfillment and provide deeper meaning to our lives.

2 thoughts on “Becoming Who We Really Are”

  1. Dear Ed-

    This has been a bone of contention within myself recently..thanks for putting it into words that describe this personal shift so well.

    Yeah…the "old stuff" works..but the constant push…constant promotion…constant hyperbole has worn itself out on me…

    Thanks, John

    1. John,

      Thank you for validating my feelings. I'm finding it increasingly eliminate any "bones of contention" I may have with myself. (and with othersfor that matter.)  🙂

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